Launching The Sudan Red Sea ‘Did You Know?’ Awareness Campaign

December 21, 2017
Category: News

Do You Know About the Richness of Sudan’s Marine Life ?

Launching the Sudan Red Sea ‘DID YOU KNOW? Campaign. Raising awareness about the wealth of marine life found in Sudan and the importance of its conservation, to inspire support and collective action.

Khartoum,  21 December , 2017-Today marks the official launch of the Sudan Red Sea ‘Did You Know?’ Awareness Campaign, an informational campaign that aims to raise awareness about the wealth of marine life found in Sudan and the importance of its conservation, to inspire support and collective action for the protection, management and sustainable use of Sudan’s marine resources.

Recognized for their “outstanding universal value”, Sudan’s Sanganeb Marine National Park and Dungonab Bay – Mukkawar Island National Park were inscribed as a UNESCO marine World Heritage Site on 17 July 2016, making it the first marine World Heritage Site in the Red Sea and the first natural World Heritage Site in Sudan.

Beginning  21 December, information highlighting key features of the marine life and flagship species found in the Sudanese Red Sea will be released through social media, newspapers, radio and television broadcasts.

The campaign will share knowledge about the unique natural marine heritage of Sudan and is expected to improve understanding about the link between conservation, poverty alleviation and sustainable development, as well as promote the economic and social benefits of conservation for sustainable livelihoods.

Although the marine environment in Sudan remains relatively pristine, there are early signs that conservation is urgently needed. Unsustainable fishing practices, pollution, climate change, increasing coastal development, tourism pressure, and a lack of sustainable alternative income generating activities all pose a threat to the future of Sudan’s marine and coastal environment.

Now is the time to secure a better understanding and awareness of the importance of the marine environment so as to guide future development plans in a way that avoids damaging the marine environment and leads to more effective management and conservation of Sudan’s Marine Protected Areas, while improving the well-being of coastal communities.

Investing in our Marine Protected Areas now can support the sustainable growth of our economy and  advancement for the future of Sudan. Conservation can provide unique opportunities for eco-tourism development and new jobs –which will help ensure sustainable livelihoods for local communities.

Knowledge and awareness are prerequisites for action

The success of the Sudan Red Sea ‘Did You know? ’Awareness Campaign relies on partnerships and the full engagement and commitment of a wide range of stakeholders from government, public/private sector, non-governmental organizations and local communities dedicated to supporting the conservation and protection of Sudan’s marine environment.

Campaign partners include: Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Physical Development, Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Wildlife Red Sea State, Ministry of Investment, Marine Environment Protection Administration (MEPA), Red Sea Fisheries Research Center, Wildlife Research Center, UN Environment , Sudanese National Commission for UNESCO (NATCOM), Sudanese Environment Conservation Society (SECS), Environmental Initiative for Sustainable Development (Envl), Cousteau Society, Cousteau/UNESCO Eco-technie Chair, UNESCO Chair on Marine Biology and Oceanography, Marine Environment Protection Society Sudan (MEPSS), Red Sea University, Institute of Environmental Studies (IES), Future University ,University of Bahri  , Sudanese Wildlife Society (SWS), Sudanese Development Initiative (SUDIA) and Capital Radio.

This campaign is sponsored by ZAIN Sudan and made possible through the support of the Darwin Initiative funded by the UK Government. 

Learn more and help spread the word!

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Contact Information:
Lisa Thomas T. George
Sudanese Development Initiative
+249 15 577 4880


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